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Balsaminaceae Jewelweed (Impatiens) really stands out when you come across it. It has translucent, watery stems and a distinctive irregular blossom. There are 3 (rarely 5) petal-like sepals of unequal size, the lowest one forming a nectar-filled spur visible on the back of the flower. Plants produce the sugary nectar to attract insects to facilitate pollination. There are 5 petals, 2 of which are united, plus 5 stamens. The ovary is positioned superior. It consists of 5 united carpels with the partition walls present, forming an equal number of chambers. Each carpel produces 2 to numerous seeds. In many species the ovary matures as a capsule that explodes when touched, hence the common name of the family. The leaf has a silvery appearance when held underwater. Key Words: Delicate, juicy plants with irregular flowers and spurs. Please e-mail Thomas J. Elpel to report mistakes or to inquire about purchasing high resolution photos of these plants.
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