Red Elderberry: Sambucus racemosa. |
Red Elderberry: Sambucus racemosa. Photographed in Sweden. |
 Sambucus racemosa. "Red" Elderberry. Near Glacier National Park. Montana.
Botanical Note: Botanists disagree about whether S. cerulea (shown below) is a species in its own right, or should more properly be classified as a subspecies of the Eurasian black elderberry, S. nigra. Other botanists classify blue elderberry as S. mexicana. In addition, the most widespread elderberry in the mountain West, commonly found growing at higher elevations, has black fruits, but is usually classified as a variety of the red elderberry, S. racemosa. In other words, our black elderberry is actually a red elderberry and our blue elderberry might be a black one!
--From Foraging the Mountain West |
 Sambucus racemosa. "Red" Elderberry. |
 Sambucus cerulea.Blue Elderberry. |
 Lonicera involucrata. Black Twinberry. |
 Lonicera ciliosa. Western Trumpet Honeysuckle. |
 Lonicera tatarica. Tartarian Honeysuckle. Planted as an ornamental shrub, it sometimes escapes cultivation. |
 Lonicera utahensis. Red Twinberry. |
 Lonicera utahensis. Red Twinberry. |

Himalayan Honeysuckle: Leycesteria formosa. Himalayan Honeysuckle is native to Himalaya and southwestern China, but widely naturalized and often invasive in Australia, New Zealand, and Micronesia. |
 Himalayan Honeysuckle: Leycesteria formosa. Like many other members of the Honeysuckle family, the flowers and fruits often form in pairs. |
 Lonicera japonica. Japanese Honeysuckle. Japanese honeysuckle is native to Japan, Korea, and China, but widely naturalized and often invasive in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, and much of the United States. |
 Foraging the Mountain West |
 Symphoricarpos albus. Snowberry. |
 Symphoricarpos albus. Snowberry. Common across the west. |
Snowberry: Symphoricarpos albus. |
Snowberry: Symphoricarpos albus. Snowberry is native to North America, this one photographed as an introduced plant in Sweden. |
 Foraging the Mountain West |
 Viburnum edule. High Bush Cranberry. Anchorage, Alaska. |
European Highbush Cranberry: Viburnum opulus. |
European Highbush Cranberry: Viburnum opulus. Photographed in Sweden. |
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