Native Plants of Sweden
Shrubs and Trees
as with Sweden's native flowers, the trees and shrubs largely mirror North American species, similar but different to shrubs and trees at home. Sweden's alders, birches, dogwoods, currants, hawthorns, roses, raspberries, plums, cherries, and oaks were easily recognizable as related to species I'd seen before.
Each is exciting in its own way, especially the burnet rose (Rosa pimpinellifolia) with its white blossoms that mature into a black-fruited rosehip. It was fun to harvest and make jam of the sour-sweet, blueish European dewberry (Rubus caesius), much like any red raspberry or blackberry in the states. The stone bramble (Rubus saxatilis) was unique in the fewer but larger cells that make up the aggregate fruits. We harvested blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) and especially lingonberries (V. vitis-idaea) in quantity, foraging our way across Sweden.
Other trees were less familiar to me, notably the European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), which has a cousin in eastern North America I've not yet encountered.
Scroll down the page to see some of Sweden's native trees and shrubs that are mostly similar to North American species.
Botanizing Sweden
1. Intro and Circumpolar Species | 2. Exported Species | 3. Introduced Species
4. Cultivated Flowers | 5. Native Flowers | 6. Native Shrubs and Trees
European Alder: Alnus glutinosa. |
European Alder: Alnus glutinosa. Alder is a member of the Birch Family. |
Silver Birch: Betula pendula. |
Silver Birch: Betula pendula. Birch is a member of the Birch Family. |
Silver Birch: Betula pendula. |
Silver Birch: Betula pendula. |
European Beech: Fagus sylvatica. |
European Beech: Fagus sylvatica. Beech is a member of the Beech Family. |
Common Hornbeam: Carpinus betulus. Hornbeam is a member of the Beech Family. |
Alder Buckthorn: Frangula alnus. Buckthorn is a member of the Buckthorn Family. |
Bloody Dogwood: Cornus sanguinea. |
Bloody Dogwood: Cornus sanguinea. Dogwood belongs to the Dogwood Family |
European Oak: Quercus robur. |
European Oak: Quercus robur. Oak is a member of the Beech Family |
Meadowsweet: Filipendula ulmaria. |
Meadowsweet: Filipendula ulmaria. Meadowsweet is a member of the Rose Family. |
European Dewberry: Rubus caesius. |
European Dewberry: Rubus caesius. Dewberry belongs to the Rose Subfamily of the Rose Family |
European Dewberry: Rubus caesius. |
European Dewberry: Rubus caesius. Dewberry belongs to the Rose Subfamily of the Rose Family |
Stone Bramble: Rubus saxatilis. |
Stone Bramble: Rubus saxatilis. Stone bramble belongs to the Rose Subfamily of the Rose Family |
English Hawthorn: Crataegus laevigata. |
English Hawthorn: Crataegus laevigata. Hawthorn belongs to the Almond Subfamily of the Rose Family. |
Red Currant: Ribes rubrum. |
Red Currant: Ribes rubrum. Currant is a member of the Gooseberry Family |
Common Heather: Calluna vulgaris. |
Common Heather: Calluna vulgaris. Heather is a member of the Heath Family. |
European Aspen: Populus tremula. |
European Aspen: Populus tremula. |
European Aspen: Populus tremula. |
European Aspen: Populus tremula. Aspen is a member of the Willow Family |
Red Elderberry: Sambucus racemosa. |
Red Elderberry: Sambucus racemosa. Elderberry belongs to the Adoxa Family. |
European Highbush Cranberry: Viburnum opulus. |
European Highbush Cranberry: Viburnum opulus. Highbush cranberry belongs to the Adoxa Family. |
English Yew: Taxus baccata. |
English Yew: Taxus baccata. Yew belongs to the Yew Family. |
Botanizing Sweden
1. Intro and Circumpolar Species | 2. Exported Species | 3. Introduced Species
4. Cultivated Flowers | 5. Native Flowers | 6. Native Shrubs and Trees
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